Wednesday 30 July 2008

"They Call Me The Jobseeker...

...I've been searching low and high. I won't get to get what I'm after, till the day I die"

Which seems a bit too long to me. As today I officially started the long and arduous mission of completing a JobSeekers benefit application. Yes, its a bit defeatist. And I may be claiming when I've done nothing to contribute to society, but Mum told me to, so I have to do it.

We went down to Bridgwater (since Burnhams JobCentre has closed, thank you very much Mr Brown...) and had to join a queue. I'm British, so I like a good queue. There were things to look at, leaflets to organise in a manner which would most annoy the supervisor, and touchscreen job-finding computers.

So there we were, queuing and waiting, everyone having a lovely time, when out of the blue, I'm up! I explain my current predicament (searching for a job, wishing to claim JobSeekers...) and I was handed a pamphlet. Now, I'm not a huge fan of pamphlets at the best of times, but it had been a reasonably long journey from my bed to Bridgy Job office, only to be confronted by a woman who clearly had an appointment book with vacant spaces big enough to build on, only she would prefer if I make an appointment. That's what I was there to do! All I had for my troubles was a piece of paper with a phone number on it. Apparently it is no longer good enough to be somewhere in person, you now have to call in advance, essentially making an appointment to make an appointment.

Everything's alright though. The government now has my details, and I'm waiting for them to get back to me, when they'll make a 40 minute phone call to confirm everything I've told them is correct. I may get that £40 a week, but that'll have to go towards paying for the procedures treating the cancer all this phone radiation is going to give me.


Thursday 17 July 2008

Bandwagon Jumping Is A Government Encouraged Form Of Exercise...

I won't have a bad word said about doing things just because someone else is. This has happened plenty of times in history without complaint. For example, the US joining World War II after Britain were already in it (unless you are American, in which case you believe you were in it from the start, won it on your own, and feel that countless films are required to commemorate this achievement).

Anyway, or anyhoo if you are that way inclined, this is my bright and shiny, brand-spanking-new blog. It'll be a platform for my many ramblings, lists of varying degrees of length/pointlessness, campaigns for the return of archaic phrases, and other exciting things to look forward to.
