Saturday 17 January 2009

"Its Been A Long Time...

...Since I Rock And Rolled"

It hasn't, but I needed a song lyric that suitably described my blogging absence, and Rock & Roll by Led Zep did quite nicely.

In fact, I've recently enhanced my Rock and Rolling capabilities by restringing my acoustic, bringing the total number of playable guitars sat in my bedroom up to 4 (plus one ukulele). Its got the finest Martin strings I could get for under £3, and they've taken a bit of breaking in, but at least now it doesn't sound like its being played inside a tin bucket. Need to get some replacements for the nylon strings on the uke next, which cost more despite being shorter, and having two fewer strings. Its like a little bass. Apart from it takes talent to play it.

Although if I've learnt anything from venturing onto the Bass mode on Guitar Hero for the first time last night, its that playing bass is more difficult than it looks. Its incredibly hard to keep your concentration when the guitarist is playing his complicated solo, plus you have to deal with the loss of self-respect that comes with the crowd cheering more for the monkey sat behind the drums than for you. And those root notes won't pluck themselves people...