Monday 23 March 2009

Spotify The Dog

In response to Youtube having to block all music videos for the UK, although I am yet to find a song without a video up there, I downloaded Spotify a few days ago. There was a lot of hype about it essentially making iPods obsolete, but at the moment it doesn't have a big enough library to be worrying Apple. Theres a distinct lack of Oasis albums, but I suspect thats more down to the Gallaghers demanding more royalties.

A lot was made about the adverts that pop up to keep the whole thing free, and how that would "detract from the listening experience". First of all, I don't know anybody who listens to music for an experience anymore. And secondly, so far the only adverts I've heard are a nice lady talking for about 10 seconds every half hour about how if I paid for the premium package I wouldn't have to hear her go on at me. So since the Youtube music that this is filling in for was only ever used as something to listen to while we're playing FIFA round Claytons house, or as background noise while I'm cruising though Wikipedia, I have nothing against these little interludes. Its certainly not enough to make me go across to Last.FM, where all the listeners feel they have to make their opinions of the song known to everyone else.

This is all a moot point though, since I've downloaded all the songs I like to listen to on Media Player anyway.

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